High over the Hudson they saw him at dawn having climbed all night to a good spot for jumping And people came and aimed their cameras at the airy figure, the god in the girders
A priest stuck in traffic climbed heavenward to see him but he wanted his girlfriend from the skyscrapers of Manhattan that had stood up to watch from the hazy distance
When he threatened to jump everyone cheered him as if he were sport, the final act of a tragic circus And when his name was released by beleaguered officials a life got created out of gossip and guesses from fragments and hearsay and a neighbor who admitted she never once saw him
They dug out his girlfriend from the haze of Manhattan fragile and nervous in front of the cameras but he’d climbed for her beauty and he clambered down to hold her She seemed then to love him as the crowd applauded (and policeman took over) He was handcuffed, she hugged him her hero and savior who was then hustled off for “observation”
An almighty god who had reached for the stars but then chose to fall all the way back down to earth and to her